Did I tell you about that thing that happened?

  • Yay, Facilitation

    Yay, Facilitation

    On August 18th I enjoyed a ranging conversation about facilitated learning (FL), how the group as practitioners understand and do it, and learning about IUPUI’s FL specialization in the LIS program. Creating workshops for the Maker Lab was a very deep dive into facilitated learning, and the reason I was invited. FLASHBACK In 2018, I…

  • Let’s Risotto

    Let’s Risotto

    I wandered down an aisle at the grocery store and threw a package of risotto in the cart, the kind where you boil water and throw in a mix. It was a refreshing change at dinner, so the next time in the store I went right to it. I flipped it to the nutrition information…

  • Zhuo’s The Making of a Manager

    I’m currently reading The Making of a Manager by Julie Zhuo and Unmanageable by Johnathan Nightingale and Melissa Nightingale. What works in both books is the humanity in the writing, showing some of the messiness of the process, unlike a textbook or a boiled down HBR book of essays (which I also have on my…

  • Four Days in Baltimore, MD

    In search of a short flight and a walkable city, we found ourselves in Baltimore for four days. Last year we visited nearby D.C., so we knew we were in for early American history and warm May weather. Monuments and markers on the street are the original augmented reality. Step onto a sidewalk, and we…

  • A Year with Local 1215

    A Year with Local 1215

    About a year ago, my union local, AFSCME 1215, put out a call for help to build a website. While happy to pay my monthly dues and occasionally attending meetings, I was a passive union member and building a website sounded like a good opportunity for collaboration and experimenting. I shared that I made small…

  • A Take on Research as Inquiry

    Recently I attended “Engaging in Speculative Pedagogy: Reimagining Library Futures with Creative Foresight” produced by the California Conference on Library Instruction (CCLI) and shared through the Library Instruction Roundtable (LIRT) Facebook group. As a public library worker, I’m less familiar with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) standards and framework, but the workshop…